Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Three Ideas For SIEU


I recently received the Mentor, a publication of the Singapore Teachers' Union (STU), from my sibling.

I found it to be full of information. I was pleasantly surprised to learn about the rich history of the union and that it represents some thirteen thousand teachers. I found a work plan of the union for the year ahead. And they are organising at least four dialogue sessions in one month alone to cater to busy members so as to share information and get feedback about the future of the union.

I also visited the STU website. It is regularly updated and a useful resource for members telling them about upcoming events and continuing education opportunities.

In contrast, the Singapore Insurance Employees' Union (SIEU) has about 6,000 members and is about ten years younger than the STU. Its website also appears to have had its last comprehensive update in 2005, when it was launched.

The STU is perceived to be more energetic and youthful than the SIEU.

I think the SIEU can learn from the STU in three ways:
a. Update its website with new developments and as a platform to inform members about future events and continuing education opportunities.
b. Improve its own union publication to the calibre of the Mentor.
c. Make public its own work plan for 2007, and be more consultative and vigorous in its efforts to reaching out to members about this plan.

If it does these, I am confident that the SIEU can be as vibrant as the STU.

Dharmendra Yadav

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