Tuesday, May 22, 2007


In the course of my work, I am often asked to provide a view on an issue and I have tried different ways of addressing such issues over the years.

I have found one style particularly effective with those who rely on me for views regarding problems they are facing. I also realised it is a meaningful way of ensuring that I have thought through what I am writing, and that it sounds reasonably sound.

I call this syle "REBARE", not least because it is a way of customising the bare view in a different way!

The view is provided in the following style:
1. REcommendations / Conclusion
2. BAckground / Facts
3. REasons / Legal Basis


I cut to the chase and provide what I think is the solution, recommendation or conclusion to a matter.

This very quickly draws one's attention to what I personally think is the most important part of the problem -- the answer. After all, everyone likes to be given an answer to their problems!

This is also useful in helping the reader decide whether he wishes to read on, much like the blurbs we seek in books or the executive summaries we head for in reports.


The next thing I do is I set out the background on which I have relied to provide the answer. In this section, I highlight the assumptions I have made and the facts that I have relied on to reach the answer.

One effective way of structuring the background is in the form a story. This helps to engage the reader's interest and engage him enough to carry on reading your view, especially since this views are provided in writing.


Finally, I will set out my reasons for providing the answer that I provided. This is where I cite the relevant legislation or data or information that I have relied on.

I will also explain how the various facts I have noted inter-relate to each other, and support the conclusion I have reached.


Of course, this style does not work always. For example, like when making this blog posting or when you are writing a novel or where sometimes it just makes sense to save the best for the last!

Dharmendra Yadav

Please consider the environment - do you really need to print this?

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